
**Easily lost in a sea people, but once you notice this free-spirited miqo'te, you will never forget her. Petite and vibrant, her smile can light up an entire room. She dances with her heart and radiates love and kindness. She sees the beauty in people and sings an uplifting song to anyone that will listen to it. She is a dreamer, a romantic, a lover, but deep down inside is a sadness unseen by most. Underneath it all, is a loneliness, a void that she fills by dancing the night away in all the hottest clubs across Eorzea.


Name: Niji Nami
Age: 23
Race: Miqo'te (Moon Cat)
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3
Weight: 115lbs
Eye Color: Ice blue
Hair color: Purple
Orientation: Pansexual
Preference: Sub
Relationship status: Single
Personality: Flirty, shy, easily embarrassed, extremely submissive but can surprise you with boldness at times.
Likes: Gifts, whiskey, reading, dancing, napping, cuddling, swimming, and fishing.
Dislikes: Confrontation, being alone, sour candy, and close-minded people.
I do in game photography ^^ Check out my gallery for more photos. Hit me up in game or in discord if you would like to schedule a photo shoot!

Back Story

Niji Nami was, by all appearances, ordinary. When you first meet her, she is shy, timid, and spoke so softly that you had to strain your ears to hear her. It was almost as if she didn’t want to be noticed. You would worry that you couldn’t pick her out from a crowd of people. But, as you get to know her, Niji’s personality blooms. She loves to dance and sing music that uplifts the soul. She is quick to treat people with love and kindness. Against all odds, she sees the beauty in people. She dreams the impossible and attempts to make it possible. On the surface, she is seemingly unbroken by the woes of life. Underneath, her loneliness and despair squirm their way into her heart, taking their toll on her each day.Niji would tell you that her smile was a facade if you can get close enough to her. She tries to find the brightest light in her darkest days, but sometimes it all seems lost. After her parents were killed, she bore the burden of grief and loneliness. To make ends meet, she found shelter in the homes of thieves in the Black Shroud. From that point on, it wasn’t about living. It was about surviving. She learned to use her body for trade for whatever she needed-- Food, shelter, money. She faced tremendous abuse from the Miqo’te in Eorzea, but, sadly, it was her usual. It’s what she had to do to live the next day. She was constantly told how lucky she was to be alive. Despite what she’s gone through, she did feel grateful for each day.One day, when she was alone by the nearby waters, she heard a noise she wasn’t familiar with. She quickly crouched and perked her cat ears to focus on the sound. As she reached for her knife in her thigh holster, she quietly tip-toed her way towards the sound. It came from around the corner of the river that she couldn’t see. She moved towards the trees to hide and reach higher ground. A better view would allow her to see if it was friend or foe. She looked through the leaves and focused her eyes on the shadow below. As her vision cleared, she realized it was a being she has never seen before. It was a tall, long-haired male figure bathing in the waters. She stared at him for an unknown amount of time. He seemed... Happy. He was humming strange songs to himself as he bathed. His black scales on his dark tan skin were a stark contrast to the furry male miqo’te she was familiar with. His tail was as long as her body, and even though he could easily hurt her, she felt safe. She had never seen a person so content. Suddenly, her trance was broken by the sound of the branch supporting her snap beneath her. She let out a yelp and landed in the same waters as the strange man. She panicked, not only because she was in the vicinity of a potential threat but because she couldn’t swim. She kicked the water as hard she could and tried to catch her breath. Niji felt his long arms scoop her out of the water. It was difficult to see his face from the sunlight, but she heard him laughing as he let her down on the bank. He checked on her to make sure she was okay and went back to his bath.That day was the first day she felt kindness. It was the first time someone helped her without asking for anything in return. From that day forward, her view on people changed. She wanted to feel that kindness again, and she wanted others to feel it as well. Because of him, she realized that there was a bigger world out there waiting for her to explore. She didn’t have to be trapped anymore. She quietly left her life behind with nothing except her pocket knife and leftover gil from her work. She endured a hard life after she left. She didn’t know who she was anymore, but every day she tried to be kind.She found work at a bar where she served people from all different backgrounds. She learned their stories, their traditions, and their culture. In a world of different colors, she felt she finally found a home. During her time at the bar, she learned more about the man who bathed at the river. He is an Au’ra well known in the area for his photography and modeling. On the day of her birthday, she was at the bar she worked at, celebrating with her newfound friends. To her surprise, he was there. He took the most beautiful photos of her she had ever seen. Compared to the wondrous lives the people around here led, she believed herself to be extraordinarily average. These photos made her feel, for the first time, beautiful. It was at that moment she realized what her mission in life will be. She wanted others to feel as beautiful as he made her feel. She committed herself to the world of modeling and photography. From that point on, she decided she would follow the footsteps of the person who made her understand kindness and the beauty within herself.<< Roleplay profile written by the amazing Jukeboxhaiku! Check her out on twitter or message her on discord if you are interested in having your RP profiles come to life jukeboxhaiku#8008 >>


As most of the time I would like to remain in character, I like keep my relationships mostly RP. Of course over time, if mutual friendships or bonds form, I may be willing to give out more personal information about my real life.Information I am Willing to give to everyone:
-I am a vtuber on twitch
-I enjoy all types of roleplay
-Surprisingly I am a lot like my in game characters in some way
-I am actually super shy